Browse Items (8 total)

Nathaniel Colley presiding at western regional Mock Trial competition in the McGeorge School of Law Courtroom of the Future, January, 1979.

2010-036-0041 p. 1.jpg
Testimony of Nathaniel S. Colley, Sr. on behalf of Anthony Kennedy, given before the Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate, December 1987.

2010-036-0036 Case 43389.jpg
Brief for Case No. 43,389, heard in the California State Supreme Court, c. 1978.

2010-036-0223 Headline.jpg
Headline and newspaper article covering beginning of landmark case, Ming vs. Horgan, May 1954.

A black and white photograph of Nathaniel Colley in his law office, Sacramento, CA, c. 1952.

A black and white photograph of Nathaniel Colley's first law office in Sacramento, California, c. 1950.

2010-036-0035 Certificate.jpg
Nathaniel Colley's California State Bar Certificate, January 1949.

2010-036-0033 Letter.jpg
Letter from journalist and attorney Carey McWilliams to Nathaniel Colley, March 1948.
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